Corgi Toys 209 Riley Pathfinder POLICE Car

Riley Pathfinder Police Car by Corgi Toys, No. 209. Very near mint/unboxed. Flat spun wheels first issue. Rare U.S. issue with extra labels. Scarce model from a dedicated collector in The Home Counties.

Corgi toys 209 riley police car bb129

Price: £275.00

This item is sold.


The first Police car made by Corgi between 1958-61, first in a blue card box and then later in a blue and yellow box.
This first issue example is a special version that was sent to the U.S. The owner tells us:
“Genuine variation with five Police decals. The story goes that when this model was released in 1958 an American wholesaler complained that it was rather understated, so the next batch was sent with three extra Police decals. I have seen four of these over the years, all in the USA (I have three of them)”.

In very close to mint condition – with a gleaming gloss black finish, shiny flat spun hubs, intact Police sign on the roof, and on both doors and boot. Original, intact aerial. Well-shaped original tyres.



Presents well with this glossy finish. Note the baseplate has some tarnished patches.
Little chip low dow on one side. Occasional tiny mark besides. Minor tarnishing to the roof sign.

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