Dinky Toys 170 Ford Fordor Sedan
Ford Sedan by Dinky Toys, No. 170. Red and cream low line. Scarce. Very near mint/boxed. Scarce. From The Berlin Collection.
An unusual Dinky model issued between 1958-59, so a little later than the high-line versions.
This classic Dinky car has a striking all original red and cream finish with a day-one lustre. Bright baseplate (minor ‘spidering’) and fine tread original tyres run well. Presents very well indeed.
It is obvious that this model has spent most of the past 50 or so years tucked away in its box.
Not even a suggestion of a roof rub! Occasional negligible mark to the paint finish.
Colourful card box has the correct colour spot. A little residue from a price label or similar on an end flap. Lightest wear.
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Horse Van by Dinky Toys, No. 980. Very near mint/boxed. With MAROON wheels. Scarce U.S. issue. From Boris's Collection.

Dinky Toys 182 Porsche 356A Coupe
Porsche 356A Coupe by Dinky Toys, No. 182. Very near mint/boxed. Scarce late issue in pale blue with shaped spun wheels. Nice box! From The Berlin Collection.

Dinky Toys 415 Mechanical Horse & Open Wagon
Mechanical Horse & Open Wagon by Dinky Toys, No. 415. Very near mint/boxed. From Boris's Collection.