Corgi Toys 258 Saint's Car

The "Saint's" Car Volvo P.1800 by Corgi Toys, No. 258. Very near mint/boxed. First issue with a black Saint logo figure on a cream background. From The Francis Schaffer Collection.

Corgi toys 258 saint's car aa225

Price: £250.00

This item is sold.


First issue model introduced in 1965 in white, with a bright red interior and a black “Saint” matchstick figure transfer on the bonnet. The car is in very close to mint condition. Displays well with a crisp white paint finish, and a complete “Saint” matchstick figure on the bonnet. Jewelled headlights, perfect suspension on shaped spun wheels, driver. As-new original tyres. All original throughout.



Marking to over-riders and a small mark bonnet front.
The blue and yellow picture box is bright and complete, with a crisp feel. Corgi Club Membership Form. Period pricing on an end flap.

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