Spot-on Models 104

Spot-On 104 M.G.A. Red with grey seats, red steering wheel. Very near mint/boxed. From A Phenomenal Collection.

Spot on models 104 mga yy838

Price: £175.00

This item is sold.


A desirable Spot-On model with a flame red finish and grey seats. Original screen has had a little glue applied at the base to secure into place. Number plates present front and rear ( mark to the front number plate). In as-made condition with a lovely lustre, although the silver radiator detail has not been finished correctly (factory oversight). Slight overspray to the light grey seating area too.

Spot on models 104 mga yy8381

Spot on models 104 mga yy8382

This extra sweep of red paint immediately below the windscreen.
The pictorial box is complete with vivid colours. Occasional light crease. Tiny start of a tear to the tuck-in part of one end flap.

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