Corgi Gift Set 2
Corgi Gift Set 2 Land-Rover with Rice's Pony Trailer & Pony. Very near mint/boxed (wear). From The David Frank Collection.
Issued between 1958-68, this is a late issue, having a light brown and cream finish and a plastic tilt on the Land-Rover. Shaped spun wheels with suspension. Bright red detailed interior. The Land-Rover is very close to mint. Horse Trailer in matching finish has several more marks nearly all confined to one surface where it has come in contact with the tow hook.
The original brown plastic pony is still present.
The card plinth on which the models sit, although lightly mottled in faint blue in places. Light wear and a small wheel slot tear.
The outer card pictorial end flap box is strongly-coloured and complete. Small repaired tear and a little wear.
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