Trade Box Dinky 157
Trade Box of 6 x Dinky 157 Jaguar XK120 Coupe models. Excellent plus-near mint/boxed. Early issues with cast wheels. Rare. From The Bickley Collection.
A rare find! This vivid yellow, sturdy Trade Box contains six Dinky 157 Jaguar XK120 models as follows:
1) Red, with matching cast wheels, excellent plus with several little chips, bright base, well-shaped tyres.
2) 2 x red with matching cast wheels, near mint, minor ‘spidering’ to bases, well-shaped original tyres.
3)As above, but scarlet.
4)Yellow issue with lighter yellow cast wheels. Near mint ( several little retouches). Minor marking to base. well-shaped original tyres.
5)Grey-green issue with cream wheels, Near mint, but bare metal base. Well-shaped original tyres.
Sturdy Trade Box has penned writing on the lid & a little discreet repair to one corner of the lid. Light wear besides.
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