French Dinky 24P

French Dinky 24P Packard Super 8. Blue with 1-Piece Metal black wheels & tyres. An exceptionally rare model from The Phillips Collection. With period advertisement for Packard 8. Another first for QDT! QDT starting bid £500. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.


Price: £600.00

This item is no longer for sale, price for reference only.


Acknowledged in ‘The Great Book Of Dinky Toys’, this collector in the U.S. brings his 37 year collection to QDT. Included are some very rare items and a wealth of period literature and catalogues.
Such a a rare find in any condition, this early French Dinky Packard Super 8 model was made for just one year (1949). Finished in glossy mid-blue, this model has the early one-piece black metal wheels/tyres.




Note that this model has some retouching including a sweep of blue paint on a rear wing.
Black tinplate baseplate with ‘FAB EN FRANCE PAR MECCANO’ just about visible.
Some period promotional items have been included with this car including a most absorbing Dealer Brochure from the period:




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