French Dinky 24V
French Dinky 24V Buick Roadmaster. Ivory and silver-blue, 2nd type. Very near mint/boxed. Includes period French Dinky Catalogue with this colour version pictured. Rare model from The Phillips Collection. QDT starting bid £1000. Please note that QDT apply 12.5% buyer's commission.
This is an exquisite Buick Roadmaster model attractively finished in original ivory with a light silver-blue roof. 2nd type issue with shiny plated convex wheels and the interior surface of the roof is cross-hatched. Original tyres are fine. Baseplate is shiny.
A difficult model to find in any condition, this example is very close to mint.
Minor crazing to one of the tyres and a couple of very light flat spots.
The colourful picture box is complete and crisp, with strong colours. Plenty of end flap spring. Minor wear only.
Included is this French Dinky Catalogue from 1959 which shows this particular colour version. 16 colour pages. Period ship stamp. Light wear.
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