
6 x Trade Pack of Corgi 647 Buck Rogers Starfighters. Still in Factory Over-Wrap. Assumed Mint/boxed. Never removed from their boxes. From The Monty Calme Collection.


Price: £375.00

This item is no longer for sale, price for reference only.


Monty says:
" I never worked for the Corgi Company – although in many ways, I wish I had. I managed to meet up with several ex-employees from the Corgi company both here and in the U.S. I met up with old shopkeepers and Corgi contacts – I was always on the hunt for the best and rarest Corgi items I could find. I collected as many Factory Trade Packs as I could. Untouched and still in the factory over-wraps or cartons, these were always special finds for me".

Issued in 1980-83, these 6 Buck Rogers Starfighter models are still in the original factory over-wrap, so assumed mint/boxed. There is a little wear to a couple of the individual boxes (one small storage tear, a minor storage scuff and some warping).
The over-wrap is complete although understandably this vulnerable cellophane has a couple of tears /light wear.



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