
Dinky 908 Mighty Antar With Transformer. Near mint/boxed. Scarce. From 1962. With both leaflets, complete Transformer & box. From The Central Netherlands Collection.


Price: £750.00

This item is no longer for sale, price for reference only.


Delighted to have for sale a scarce and desirable commercial Dinky model issued between 1962-64. This model comprises a yellow Mighty Antar Tractor unit with a detachable grey trailer as well as the all-important Transformer Unit, complete with all delicate parts present and intact, with original individual box & Instruction Leafletfor this item.




The model has the usual marks on the hinged ramps at the rear of the trailer. Occasional little mark at some exposed edges but no repainting!
The attractive pictorial card box is complete and bright with no splits or graffiti. Minor age wear and a little discolouration to the portion of the lower part of the box not covered by the lid.
*Instruction Leaflet *is included.

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