
Corgi 3 Part Promotional Set Co-op. Scarce. Very, very near mint/boxed. A wonderful set from 'The Monty Calme' Corgi Collection.


Price: £695.00

This item is no longer for sale, price for reference only.


A splendid dairy trio in the distinctive blue and white finish with ‘CO-OP’ labels, produced for a very short time during 1970 only. The best example we have ever seen in years!

This set comprises:

1) Corgi 1151 Scammel Truck with articulated, detachable trailer. Jewelled headlights. Virtually mint with just a couple of tiny marks that you have to hunt for. Intact suspension – they nearly always break, so this example has survived better than most. Bright and complete Co-op labels. Very nice indeed, complete with original plain brown card wrap-around box which includes card packing insert too.



2) Corgi 462 Commer Van Co-op in virtually mint condition, with spring suspension and Co-op labels on both sides. One small rub at a door handle – and that’s it. Complete with original plain brown card wrap-around box.
3) Corgi 466 Commer Milk Float in virtually mint condition with just a couple of door handle marks. Spring suspension and bright Co-op labels. Complete with original plain brown card wrap-around box.


A scarce three-part set in all original, barely touched condition.

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