
Dinky 410 Bedford End Tipper. Near mint plus/boxed. Red and cream issue, red cast wheels, window glazing. Transition issue. Scarce model from a large stunning diverse collection with many items in old shop stock condition.


Price: £235.00

This item is no longer for sale, price for reference only.


This fresh-looking Bedford truck has a red cab, and chassis, red cast wheels, cream back. Window glazing, black radiator and headlight assembly. In all original condition.
Black gloss baseplate and a shiny winding handle. Fine original tyres.



Few little marks at front bumper and very minor tarnishing to the winding mechanism and tailgate bar.
The late issue picture box is brightly-coloured and complete. Crisp and fresh-looking. Minor wear and a few very small scuffs on the box top surface. Period price label.

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